TCi is committed to protecting the environment and promoting sustainability on a local, national and global level.
In 2021, a Sustainability Charter was drawn up to reflect the measurable objectives of the company, agreed and signed by employees as a visual reminder of these commitments.
The TCi Sustainability Charter sets standards and objectives across 6 core areas and identifies progressive goals to ensure consistent improvement over time.
Adoption of this document is part of a company-wide drive to be leaders in sustainability, delivering tangible environmental benefit and positive value to clients.
Included within the 6 core objectives:
- Net CARBON ZERO from July 2022
- Priority for Electric/Hybrid fleet vehicles
- Responsible sourcing and procurement commitments
- Outward engagement with companies and communities
- Regularly embracing opportunities for conservation & environmental protection
- Zero-to-landfill waste management and smart recycling
We’re planting our own forest!
Combined with efforts to reduce carbon emissions, TCi is proudly investing in a local reforestation project to deliver scope 1 & 2 carbon offset from financial year 2022
TCi is a North Devon Biosphere Business Partner and has pledged to support the UNESCO Biosphere project.
“TCi is a North Devon Biosphere Business Partner and supports the protection of wildlife and the outstanding natural beauty of our local surroundings as well as the wider reaches of our operations. This means we are striving to improve environmental impact every single day, working with supply chain and industry colleagues to encourage shared learning and innovation.”
Ben Gibbs, Marketing & Sustainability Manager
Read our 2021-2022 Sustainability and CSR statement
TCi’s annual sustainability and CSR report covers achievements and progress made throughout the previous financial year the following document covers activities started or completed during the 12 month period 1st July 2021 – 30th June 2022