We’re into July 2022, which, in-line with our Sustainability Charter means that TCi is now Carbon Neutral!
We’ve been working hard to reduce our carbon footprint over the past four years. From the start of this financial year, we will be offsetting the remainder through our own tree-planting scheme.
The offset currently covers what is known as our “Scope 1 & 2” emissions (those directly under the control of the company, including mileage and energy bills) whilst we begin our journey to record and capture our “Scope 3” footprint which includes the CO2 equivalent within products and services provided to us.
Ben Gibbs, Marketing & Sustainability Manager said;
“It’s difficult to balance the growth of the company with lowering carbon emissions, but over the past few years, we’ve expanded exponentially whilst actually reducing our own footprint. Recently, the replacement of diesel vehicles with hybrid and electric ones has had a dramatic impact. There’s still a long way to go, but we’re making great progress.”
“What’s more, the newly created forest within our local UNESCO Biosphere will promote biodiversity and water management as it becomes established. There are so many benefits!”